
These are helpful guidelines when creating and submitting your artwork

We can accept artwork created by a variety of artwork programs and in several image file formats. Preferred formats:

What about other file types?

Because these filetypes are so common on the web, a lot of images are in .jpg or .gif format. These formats look good on a computer screen, but typically appear jagged or blurry when used in the printing process. We can accept these images, but be aware that we will often need to use them as a basis for our art staff to redraw them, which may result in art charges.

If you have any questions about an art file you alread have, please call us at 507-763-3434

Hand Drawn Art

If you provide hand drawn art please make it black and white outlines only. This is widely known as "camera-ready" art. If needed provide an additional color version of your art as a guide to our art department. If your art will require additional work, we will contact you prior to proceeding.

Art and Logos form Printed Materials

Your art may exist on other printed materials you provide (e.g. busines cards, brochures, etc). If you have access to an electronic version of the art, that is the best option. If not, the art may have to be redrawn by out art staff, usually for a small fee (unless the art is complex). Please contact us to discuss your projects.